Beechcraft Baron 95-C55 & 95-C55A POH 1983 – 1994


Beechcraft Baron 95-C55 & 95-C55A

Pilot’s Operating Handbook
FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual
(Serials TC-350 and TE-1 thru TE-451)
055 & 055A
(Serials TE-452 thru TE-767)
E55 & E55A
(Serials TE-768 thru TE-942 except TE-938)
P/N 96-590010-298
P/N 96-590010-2983
Reissued: June, 1983
Revised: July, 1994

SKU: 73b96a0a7135 Category: Tags: , Product Brand:

This Pilot’s Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual is in the format and contains data recommended in the GAMA (General Aviation Manufacturers Association) Handbook Specification Number 1. Use of this specification by all manufacturers will provide the pilot the same type data in the same place in all of the handbooks.

nIn recent years. BEECH CRAFT handbooks contained most of the data now provided. however. the new handbooks. contain more detailed data and some entirely new data. For example. attention is called to Section X SAFETY INFORMATION. BEECHCRAFT feels it is highly important to have SAFETY INFORMATION in a condensed form in the hands of the pilots. The SAFETY INFORMATION should be read and studied. Periodic review will serve as a reminder of good piloting techniques.

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